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Mind Body Connection: Revitalize Your Practice Through Neurological Advancements | OCA Annual Spring Convention

Event Details

Fri April 26, 2024 - 8:00 AM PST — Sun April 28, 2024 - 12:30 PM PST

Location: Portland, OR

Speaker: Trevor Berry DC DACNB


About the Seminar

Join board-certified Chiropractic Neurologist & low-level laser expert Dr. Trevor Berry as he pioneers the movement to connect the hemispheres of the human body & brain.  At the forefront of medicine, Dr. Berry’s background & extensive education will help bring to light advanced treatments for the neurological and brain diseases that are greatly affecting our society. The key to brain health is understanding the mechanisms of healthy neuronal function and using techniques to prevent injury.

As a specialist in this arena, emphasis will be paid to neurological conditions and Dr. Berry’s treatment of them through advanced chiropractic care, lasers, labs, balance testing & nutrition.  Through screening & objective biomarkers, he will bring together the big picture on how the central nervous system and peripheral nervous system affect the body. These influencers stretch far beyond the complex inflammation & pain presentations in clinic, but to long-term neurological issues.

 During this brand new 12-hour CE accredited seminar Dr. Berry will show you a clear & simple path to invigorate your practice and energize you to change your life and the lives of your family & patients.

Seminar Topics

  1. Understand Basic Neurophysiology – the mechanism of healthy neuronal function and the foundation for neuroplasticity
  2. Summarize & Explain Neuropathophysiology.
  3. Categorize the mechanisms of neuronal disruption and cell death
  4. Describe how lasers effect the common causes of neuronal injury
  5. Reproduce technique to influence the central nervous system and human body function
  6. Critique technology implementation for today’s practice
  7. Integrate balance testing through using objective biomarkers for outcome assessments
  8. Utilize lab markers and nutrition to facilitate healthy neurological and immune support
  9. Justify condition specific technique and applications for the most common neurological and chiropractic conditions
  10. Outline FDA Market Cleared laser research and clinical applications
  11. Support medical necessity through FDA cleared research
  12. Demonstrate hands-on applications through workshops and their influence on the central nervous system
  13. Summarize review of research, physiology, clinical applications and techniques