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[INFOGRAPHIC] How Zit Going? Caring for Acne

Acne plagues about 40 to 50 million people in the United States. About 85% of people ages 12-24 develop acne. While it’s not a life-threatening condition, acne can cause scars and leave you feeling unconfident, depressed, and unwilling to show your face to anyone. But don’t lose hope! Learn about acne and the right ways to combat it.

caring for acne

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5 Tips for Healthy, Attractive Feet

Feet are the most used and abused body parts—and unfortunately usually also the most neglected. The average person walks about 10,000 steps each day. That adds up to traveling the circumference of the globe over four times in a lifetime! Not only that—25 percent of our bones are connected in some way to the feet.

Based on these numbers alone, it’s easy to see why we should take better care of our feet. Take a look at these 5 suggestions for happy, healthy, and beautiful feet.

Manage Moisture

Too much moisture or wearing shoes that don’t breathe leads to sweaty feet and increased bacteria, which means smell and the potential for hygiene issues. Try these tips:

  • Wear breathable footwear.
  • Always wear socks—even better if made with sweat-wicking fabric.
  • Sprinkle baby powder in your shoes before you put them on.

While too much moisture makes a mess, it’s still important to moisturize the skin of your feet. An easy way to keep your feet soft and smooth is to give them a soak/cleaning each night before bed and slather a rich lotion on them, followed by socks.

Wear Supportive Shoes

Blisters and other sore spots can result from shoes that fit improperly. This can happen in all types of shoes, not just stilettos. If you find that you are feeling irritation or developing blisters from a particular pair of shoes, the best plan is to stop wearing them altogether.

Just make sure you buy shoes that fit well—too tight will cause pain, blisters, and anatomical problems while too loose will cause friction and blisters. For shoes that lack support, try inexpensive insoles.


How much attention do you pay to the process of cleaning your feet? It is not enough to simply let the shower water and soap trickle down to your feet or to soak them. To really make sure your feet are getting clean, take the time to wash your feet at least once each day with warm, soapy water. Scrub between your toes and around cuticles and nail beds. Two or three times per week, use a pumice stone or exfoliating file on rough spots. You should also make sure your toenails stay trimmed straight across and filed down. Your feet will look great and you won’t have to worry about ingrown nails or infections.

Foot Exercises

We’re all born with flat feet, and unfortunately some of us keep them. One common exercise to stimulate the foot muscles and encourage arch development is called the “towel scrunch.” To perform this exercise, lay out a small hand towel on the floor in front of you. Put the heel of your foot on the side of the towel closest to you and then use your toes to pull, or scrunch, the top of the towel back towards the ball of your foot. If you do this exercise just three times every morning, you will see improvement in your arches over time.

Another arch exercise works by standing on the balls of your feet on a step at least four inches from the ground with your heels hanging out over the edge. Stand on your tiptoes and then slowly lower the heel until it is even with the step. Avoid letting the heel drop below the stair level because that does not make the arch muscles work as hard. Repeat the move for three sets of 10 repetitions. Over time, this exercise will become easier and the repetition can be increased. Just be sure to hold on to a railing.

Lunula Laser Treatment

Foot fungus, or onychomycosis, is one of the most difficult ailments to treat, but it can be very embarrassing if left untreated. Erchonia’s Lunula laser technology treats and clears foot fungus without any pills, expensive creams, or pain. Patients have reported that from the first treatment to six months later, 6.15 mm of clear nail grew, or 37 percent of the existing nail cleared.

5 Ways Technology is Revolutionizing Health

As health technology improves, so does quality of life. Today we not only have longer life expectancies than our ancestors, but we are able to enjoy those years more fully too because of technological advancements. From cutting-edge laparoscopic medical procedures, to everyday smartphone apps, health care is rapidly evolving and patients only stand to benefit.

Take a look at these five major improvements in health technology and what they mean for us

  1. Laparoscopic surgery. This minimally invasive procedure is generally applied to surgeries of the abdomen cavity. Laparoscopic procedures have made surgery safer and recovery faster and easier.How can surgeons operate on important structures without being too invasive? A small incision is made, and the surgeon uses a highly specialized and very small instrument that he or she operates outside of the body. A small video camera helps the surgeon see and navigate all inside the abdomen.

    The obvious benefit to the patient is less interference with non-effected organs, and less exposure to infection. There are indirect benefits to laparoscopic surgery as well, like a reduced need for pain medication following surgery and shorter hospital stays, which allow patients time to recover in the comfort of their homes.

  2.  Activity trackers. Activity trackers are not your average pedometer. They give so much more information and insight to the wearers. People who use activity trackers can set goals, follow and encourage friends, and review their own statistics over time.Activity trackers automate records of what a wearer is doing to provide a plan for health improvement or simple health maintenance. They are eye-opening devices to some people who are actually doing a lot less activity than they realize, and serve as motivation to do more in simple ways throughout the day. As smartwatches rise in popularity, expect to see even more people taking advantage of activity tracking software to set daily goals and improve health.
  3. DNA kits and testing. Prevention is often called the best medicine. Understanding what health problems may lurk in your future is the first step to keeping them at bay.Anyone can now order a DNA kit for less than $100 from companies like 23andMe and send back their sample for analysis in a lab. While it might seem straight out of a sci-fi movie, the tests are very simple and can give you insightful and useful information about what’s possibly in the stars for your health, which means you can make smart preventative health choices for yourself and your family.
  4. Smartphones. Most people may not realize it but they have a wealth of health information in their pocket or purse. Smartphones give users instant access to things like calorie counters, nutritional information, reminders for taking medication, activity tracker apps, and many sites to track health symptoms and their potential causes. Smartphone technology makes day-to-day health maintenance more convenient, but can also serve as an important resource in an emergency. By using the technology at hand in a health-savvy way, smartphone users can lead better lives and stay in the know.
  5. Laser pain therapy. Instead of relying on pain pills for years, Erchonia’s low-level laser pain therapyhas made it easier for patients to find relief for things like plantar fasciitis, tendinopathy, joint disorders, chronic neck and shoulder pain, and osteoarthritis. In recent studies, laser therapy for pain has been shown to improve lower back pain and speed up recovery time for wounds. In addition to pain relief, the benefits of laser therapy include noninvasive procedures and no need for pharmaceuticals. Once the treatment has been performed, patients can walk out with little to no recovery time and no medications needed.The importance of eliminating reliance on pharmaceuticals for pain relief cannot be overstated.Abuse of narcotics is one of the most common forms of unhealthy drug use in the U.S. Finding ways to avoid this line of pain relief completely is the best way to avoid addiction and to also find longer-lasting relief in healing and not just covering up pain.

In addition to these specific items, the communication improvements brought on my technology makes a positive impact on lives. People can interact with their healthcare professionals more easily with email, secure healthcare websites, and even through mobile applications. People can find the answers they need more quickly and in that respect, have faster access to lifesaving information.

What health-improving technology would you add to this list?

Spring Foods for Weight Loss

With summer and swimsuit season just around the corner, everyone is slimming down whether it is through cold laser or dieting. Fortunately, spring is here, which means plenty of fresh, healthy spring fruits and veggies to add to your diet. Here are some of the best slim down foods the season has to offer.

1. Leafy Greens

From tender, young lettuce to baby spinach, spring is the perfect time to enjoy leafy greens. Chock full of vitamins and other goodies, greens typically take more calories to consume and metabolize than they actually contain. From watercress salad to steamed spinach, there are also a ton of ways to enjoy them without adding too much fat, sugar or salt.

2. Peas

Whether you prefer snow peas with their pods on or fresh garden peas without the pods, spring is the best time of year to enjoy peas. They are one of the season’s first crops and are best when small and young. Peas are full of fiber and naturally sweet protein that can kill your hunger for a couple of hours. Eating raw garden peas can also satisfy the crunchy munchies without the fat, salt, and artificial ingredients of chips or other crispy snacks.

3. Spring Onions

Need to add a little kick to a salad or stir fry? Want a nice healthy crunch full of flavor, vitamins, and nutrients? Whether you call them scallions, green onions, or spring onions, these little green and white veggies pack a lot into a little body. They are a good source of sulfur, which helps burn fat before it can be stored in your body.

4. Mushrooms

They may not be the prettiest things in the produce market, but they sure are good for you. Spring typically sees them at their freshest and least expensive. Mushrooms are good for weight loss because they contain natural carb-burning proteins that ramp up your natural metabolism.

5. Peppermint

The smell and taste of peppermint act on the part of the brain that tells your body it’s full and should stop eating. Adding even a tablespoon of fresh mint leaves to a meal can help you cut back on your consumption. Sipping peppermint tea—hot or cold—can also stave off afternoon or evening cravings while keeping your breath pleasantly fresh.

Spring is a time of wonder and freshness as the earth comes back to life after a long, cold winter. Enjoy the bounties of the season and revive your weight loss efforts in the process.

10 Weight Loss Tips

It’s that time of year again. Everyone is thinking about slimming down for the warmer weather. Here are ten weight loss tips that should help you get beach ready and swimsuit fit for summer.

  1. Fail to plan, plan to fail.

Plan your meals ahead of time. Planning your meals cuts down on bad food choices that come with waiting until you’re starving to decide what to eat. Planning your meals also allows you to do prep work ahead of time, cutting down on the need for processed foods. Making a grocery list that cuts down on poor choices and unhealthy impulse buys.

  1. Eat to lose.

Starving your body by skipping meals can actually backfire. Your body will go into starvation mode and start storing fat instead of using it up. It’s better to control your portions, cut back on snacking, and eating fresh spring foods, than it is to skip meals.

  1. Pack your own meals.

From packing brown bag lunches to creating your own snack packs containing nuts, fruits, and vegetable slices, taking your own food to work or school can keep from eating too much, eating the wrong things, or starving yourself. A snack pack from home is a better alternative to hitting the vending machines or the pastry cart, while a brown bag lunch can keep you away from the fast-food-bad-food nightmare.

  1. Drink up.

Switch up the sugary, calorie-laden soft drinks for some water. Decaf coffee can help curb cravings, and green tea is excellent hot or cold. Both offer a variety of antioxidants, too.

  1. Put some muscle into it.

Muscle burns more calories than fat. Cardio is great for slimming down, but if you really want to see some slim and trim action, add some strength training to your workout. Twenty minutes, twice a week is all it takes, while 30 minutes of some sort exercise every day will keep your heart happy and healthy and your body trim.

  1. Read your labels.

Beware of “fat-free” or “low fat” foods as they often contain high levels of sugar or sodium or, even worse, chemical compounds created to make them look and taste like the “real” thing.

  1. Forget the labels.

Eat as much real food as you can. Fresh fruits and vegetables, organic meats, and dairy are the healthiest foods to eat. If it really has to be labeled with ingredients so you know what’s in it, it’s probably best left at the market.

  1. Get a life.

A social life, that is. Many people turn to food for comfort or out of boredom. It’s been proven that people actively involved in groups, activities, clubs, or other social opportunities are more likely to lead healthier, happier lifestyles. Join a book club, volunteer with a community or religious organization,  take a dance class—just get out there and get sociable.

  1. Find motivation.

Whether it’s a new wardrobe, a beach vacation, or a trip to the spa, a reward at the end of your successful journey really can make a difference. Some find that motivation can come from within, too, through meditation or daily journaling. Sometimes, having a reason is reason enough.

  1. Start small.

Huge plunges are for the deep end of the pool on a hot day, not for changing your lifestyle. Starting small and building on those small successes is the best way to get real, lasting results. Trying to change too much too soon or too suddenly usually leads to stress, burnout, and failure.

8 Week Guide to a Healthy & Fit Summer

Are you trying to get in shape before the summer ends? Thank advantage of the nice season before it ends.  We’ve created an 8-week guide outlining a regime of exercises, summer-inspired activities, and delicious in-season foods.

8 week guide to a healthy & fit summer

5 Exercise Routines You Can Do at Home

Are you trying to have a healthy and fit summer? On the road with business or family? Or maybe you’re just too shy or embarrassed to exercise in public right now? There are ways that you can still get a good, effective work out right in the privacy of your home or hotel room. We’re going to look at 5 exercise routines you can do without fancy equipment or a trip to the gym.

1.) Jumping rope – You can find a jump rope for a buck or two at the local dollar store. Put it to use for 20 minutes of skipping, jumping fun and you can burn more than 200 calories. Find your favorite sit-com on Netflix and skip while you watch to make the time go faster.

2.) Surya Namaskar – The hatha yoga sun salutation is a perfect workout. It is a series of 12 poses done fluidly and gently. Begin with 5 rounds, working your way up to 25 minutes or so. Doing so will burn 350+ calories. One caution—do it on an empty stomach. The Surya Namaskar was designed to be done in the early morning, upon waking, before breakfast. You don’t want to be doing inverted poses on a full tummy.

3.) Calisthenics – Just because they are old fashioned doesn’t mean the calisthenics you learned in school aren’t good for you. Try the following series:

a. 50 jumping jacks

b. 15 crunches

c. 10 tricep dips: use a chair or bench or even the sofa

d. 5 push-ups

e. 10 squats

 f. 10 lunges (each leg)

g. 10 calf raises

h. 10 toe touches

i. 30-second plank

This will work every major muscle group, give you a good all over work out, and burn a lot of calories. Be sure to stretch before and after to serve as both warm up and cool down.

4.) High March – This is a quick exercise that you can use while waiting for your tea water to boil or for your television program to resume during a commercial break. Simply stand up and march in place, lifting your knees all the way up to your waist. As you bring up each knee, either raise the opposite arm until the upper arm is parallel with the floor, or bring the opposite fist to rest on the raised knee. Keep this up for a solid 60 seconds and you’ll tighten and tone core muscles, thighs, glutes, upper back, chest, and arms. Not to mention you’ll burn a bunch of calories. Not bad for a minute of your time, huh?

5.)  Plank Crawls – The plank is a great exercise because it works so many major muscle groups. A plank crawl is a variation that some find more enjoyable than just planking, and some experts say is actually more beneficial than the traditional static plank. Begin in a raised push-up position. Lower ONE arm to the floor in a plank position. Then, lower the other arm. Hold for one breath. Then, beginning with the first arm lowered, raise yourself, one arm at a time, to the raised push up position. Do 15 to 20 complete crawls for a good, effective workout. You can lower your knees, if need be, to reduce some of the intensity of the exercise.

Just because you can’t or don’t want to get to the gym doesn’t mean you can’t work on losing weight, toning up, and looking and feeling great. Get that workout gear on and hit the living room!

Exercises to Eliminate Trouble Spots

Fat is a fickle creature. Even with good diet and regular exercise, certain areas of your body can still stay stubbornly unaffected. Take a look at how you can tackle your tenacious trouble spots and keep yourself healthy and fit.

Infographic of exercises to eliminate trouble spots

Recipe: Super Summer Slim Down Smoothie

While summer’s almost over, it’s not over yet. What better way to enjoy the last weeks of the season than with a delicious smoothie that celebrates all the flavors of the season and aids in your efforts to stay healthy & fit this summer.

This super smoothie recipe will cool you off, give your body lots of good vitamins and antioxidants, and keep your slim-down going strong. Oh, and it doesn’t hurt that it’s awesomely delicious, either!

Note: This smoothie is filling and nutritious enough to serve as a meal replacement for breakfast or lunch. In other words, don’t add this one to your diet meal plan as an afternoon or evening snack, or you might just counteract the slimming effect of the smoothie.

Super Summer Slim-Down Smoothie

½ medium banana (ripe)

1 cup frozen mixed berries

¼ cup low-fat Greek yogurt (get plain for no added sugar)

¾ cup milk (soy, almond, skim, rice—your choice)

2 tablespoons dark chocolate chips

Optional: 1 tsp. pure vanilla extract

Chuck everything into your blender and give it a whirl until smooth and well-mixed. If you need to thin it, add 3 to 5 ice cubes. It makes 1 large glass of delicious, cold, refreshing smoothie.

How Does This Smoothie Help Your Slim-Down Efforts?

Bananas are filling. They also add a natural sweetness, but are bland enough to mix well with just about any flavor. Their texture helps with the creamy consistency. And they are a natural source of energy. They provide a steady stream of energy, enough to get you through a 45-minute workout or that after-lunch slump that hits like a ton of bricks every afternoon. Unlike caffeine or sugar, there’s no crash or hard comedown from a banana high, either. Let’s not forget that some of this energy comes from carbs, but a great deal of it comes from all the vitamin A, iron, phosphorous and potassium that bananas contain.

Berries are filled with antioxidants. They are also naturally sweet and high in water content. Including a mix of berries ensures that your smoothie will be packed with vitamin C and phytochemicals of all sorts. They also add some fiber to your smoothie, helping you to keep feeling full longer. Plus, fresh berries are the ultimate summertime treat.

Greek yogurt is a great low-fat, low-carb source of protein. It’s also filled with bone-strengthening calcium and belly-friendly probiotics. Greek yogurt has been shown to aid in weight loss, and can help reduce bloating and gas.

Whether you choose soy milk, almond milk, or just ordinary skim milk, adding milk to your smoothies is another great way to add tummy-pleasing protein and calcium.  You need protein to stave off hunger pangs longer.

Monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFAs) have been shown to be vital in weight loss efforts, especially in fighting belly and midriff fat. Sources of MUFAs are dark chocolate, nuts and nut butters, flaxseed oil, and avocado. Adding some dark chocolate chips to your slimdown smoothie aids you in your slimming efforts, making your smoothie just that more effective in doing what you want it to do. Plus, this ingredient (and the optional pure vanilla extract) makes this smoothie taste like a treat—without any of the guilt.

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