Every new day brings with it a new way to lose weight. But many of these new diets perpetuate pervasive myths about just how fat loss occurs and what can help an individual shed unwanted pounds. Here we’ll take a look at some of the most common fat loss myths and focus on tried-and-true ways to successfully shed that winter layer.
Myth: Saturated fat increases bad cholesterol and the risk of stroke and heart disease. Saturated fat has long been demonized, and its role in climbing cholesterol numbers has been focused on the LDL, or “bad” form of cholesterol. But the fact of the matter is that eating saturated fat also increases HLD, or “good” cholesterol as well! This means that saturated fat effectively has no effect on bad vs. good cholesterol numbers, as it increases both in tandem. Although a common claim, modern-day research has yet to prove an association with ingestion of saturated fat and an increase in the risk of an individual suffering from stroke, cardiovascular heart disease, or coronary heart disease.
Myth: A high carbohydrate diet is better than a high fat diet. Everyone knows that eating fat is always bad, right? Well, it turns out that is not necessarily true. Studies have shown that fat releases hormones that increase satiety levels, lowering an appetite that might otherwise be spurred by an overabundance of high carbohydrate foods. Oils and healthy dietary fats such as those found in avocados take time to break down, helping normalize insulin levels within the blood. Carbohydrates, on the other hand, can spike blood sugar and then insulin, creating drastic swings in glucose levels. Research concludes that an overabundance of carbohydrates—not fats—is linked to weight gain and Type 2 diabetes.
Myth: Eating at night will make you gain weight Everyone has heard this one. If you eat at night, your body will store that late night feast as fat. Many diets have strict rules about not eating after eight or nine and to lock yourself away from the snack cabinet. But likely the reason that those who eat late at night tend to gain weight is simply that they are consuming more calories throughout the day than those who do not. Although there is no definitive proof to determine whether time of day counts, the total amount of calories consumed is the number one contributor to weight gain or weight loss. The better rule of thumb is to eat when you’re hungry, not according to a clock, and stop eating a bit before you feel full.
When it comes to weight loss, health, and fitness, rumors and misinformation run rampant. Be sure to put in some research to ensure that you’re giving your body the nutrients it needs to thrive!